

Flore Botanical Perfumery

Flore Botanical Perfumery, formerly known as the Stillroom, embodies the essence of a true perfume atelier—a space where the art of perfumery is brought to life. Here, clients and customers are invited to explore a full line of evocative perfumes, each one carefully crafted, matured, and bottled with meticulous attention to detail.

Beyond simply offering perfumes, Flore Botanical Perfumery provides a rare and profound connection through scent. Events, workshops, and bespoke services allow for deeper engagement with the world of perfume, while essential oils from the perfumer’s organ and a cabinet of aromatic raw specimens offer a glimpse into the intricate ingredients that compose these olfactory scent stories.

At Flore Botanical Perfumery, it’s not just about purchasing a product—it’s about immersing oneself in a sensory experience, discovering the stories behind each scent, and forging a meaningful connection with the art of perfumery itself. It truly is a working perfume studio where magic is created and shared with those who appreciate the beauty and power of scent. .



Stacey Moore's path into botanical perfumery is a mesmerizing blend of artistic expression, environmental reverence, and a profound connection to the natural world. Situated on Vancouver Island, her creations serve as a tribute to the captivating landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, intertwining narratives of ancient forests, rugged coastlines, and the allure of hidden desires. Employing ethically sourced ingredients and time-honored techniques, Stacey channels over 15 years of expertise in perfumery, aromatherapy, and distillation to curate an exclusive range of artisanal perfumes, candles, and aromatic distillations. Each product, free from synthethetics, is meticulously crafted in small batches, ensuring a sustainable and intimate olfactory experience. Through Flore Botanical Alchemy, Stacey extends an invitation to individuals of all genders to immerse themselves in the opulence. Stacey of nature's rarest and most precious essences, transforming the act of scent application into a transcendent ritual of self-care and connection.
